Pet Friends Veterinary Hospital OKC

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Coronavirus and your pets

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new and concerning virus outbreak that started at the end of 2019. This virus causes respiratory illness in humans and can potentially be deadly. So what do you need to know about this and your pets?

According to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association there is no evidence, as of yet, that supports a link between pets transmitting the coronavirus to people. Even though there is no evidence, the CDC is still recommending limiting contact with pets who have been around ill people or if you yourself are ill.

So what does this boil down to?

The CDC recommends hand washing for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding contact with sick individuals.

Though there have been no reported cases of illness in dogs with the coronavirus, they are recommending that you limit contact with unfamiliar dogs and washing your hands thoroughly before coming into contact with your own dog after being around unfamiliar dogs or people who are ill.

The best way to avoid this illness is to limit travel to known areas where the coronavirus has had a recent outbreak, wash your hands thoroughly and often (especially before touching your face or food), and avoid contact with those individuals who are displaying flu-like illness. If you become ill with any of the common symptoms, please stay at home and seek medical attention at your doctor while practicing measures to avoid spreading the infection (wear a mask to avoid the spread while sneezing or coughing, washing your hands thoroughly and frequently, and avoiding touching things unnecessarily).

For more information on pets and the coronavirus please visit:

For more information on how to prevent yourself and others from becoming infected, please visit the CDC website :