COVID-19 and changes to our clinic

Good afternoon to all of our wonderful clients,

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak we are going to be transitioning how we take appointments, fill medications, and overall how we are interacting with you all. We are doing the best we can to help decrease the possibility of transmission of this potentially deadly disease through your visits here to our hospital. It is not ideal for any of the staff or you all, because we love seeing all of you and your pets come visit us, but it is not for us that we are making these changes. We do this for our loved ones (family, friends, and clients) who are at risk for contracting and even being hospitalized by this disease. We also ask that all of our staff and clients practice the recommended social distancing and hand-washing protocols from the CDC so that we might be able to return to normal life again soon while keeping everyone safe.

*These are the protocols we will be following according to the most recent recommendations of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). They are subject to change as our information about this disease is constantly updating. *

We will be closing our lobby/waiting room for now to all clients, with the exception of euthanasias. This means only veterinary staff will be entering our building to keep contamination and exposure to COVID-19 limited for both our staff and clients.

Appointments will be by call-ahead only for essential services and emergencies.

We will be doing curbside pickups only where-in you will call when you arrive and one of our staff members will come to take your pet inside for their examination while you wait in your car. The doctor will call after the exam is done and you will discuss options like further diagnostics and/or medications to go home.

Payments will be made over the phone, which eliminates cash transactions. We are very sorry to have to do this, as we know some of you prefer to pay in cash. This is to limit the amount of contact and keep possible spread of this disease to a minimum.

If you are in need of any prescription medications, preventatives, or medications, please call ahead so we can get that filled for you and you can pay over the phone. Once you arrive at the clinic, please call and the prescription(s) will be delivered to your car via a staff member.

If you have travelled at all in the last 14 days and/or are having and respiratory symptoms (even if you believe it is just allergies) please let us know on the phone in advance so our staff can be better prepared.

Our staff will be wearing protective equipment like gloves, mask, goggles, and gowns. Please do not be alarmed, as of yet none of us have travelled or been sick in any way. This is to keep exposure and between clients and our staff members to a minimum.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our clinic phone (405) 843-4711, email us at, or message us on our Facebook page. There are links at the bottom of this page you can also click on.

Thank you all for being so understanding! We love you all!